Publications & Materials


  • Muszynska-Spielauer Magdalena, Tim Riffe, Martin Spielauer (2024) Healthy Lifespan Statistics Derived from Cross-Sectional Prevalence Data Using the Sullivan Method are Informative Summary Measures of Population Health - Comparative Population Studies, Vol 49 [PDF]

  • Böheim René, Thomas Horvath, Thomas Leoni, Martin Spielauer (2024) The Power of Inclusive Labor Force Participation for Mitigating Population Aging: Closing Gaps at the Intersection Between Race/Ethnicity and Gender in the United States - NBER Working Paper No. 32590 [PDF]

  • Horvath Thomas, Thomas Leoni, Martin Spielauer, Peter Reschenhofer (2024) The Impact of Ageing, Inequality and the Evolution of Morbidity on Future Health Expenditure - Wifo Working Paper 679 [PDF]

  • Horvath Thomas, Martin Spielauer, Philipp Warum (2024) Life Course Heterogeneity and the Future Labour Force – a Dynamic Microsimulation Analysis for Austria - Wifo Working Paper 674 [PDF]

  • Bittschi Benjamin, Thomas Horvath, Helmut Mahringer, Christine Mayrhuber, Martin Spielauer, Philipp Warum (2024) Assessing the Labour Supply Effect of Harmonising Regular Retirement Age in Austria - Wifo Working Paper 673 [PDF]


  • Horvath Thomas, Thomas Leoni, Peter Reschenhofer, Martin Spielauer (2023) Socio-economic Inequality and Healthcare Costs Over the Life Course – A Dynamic Microsimulation Approach - Public Health, (219), pp.124-130, [PDF]

  • Böheim René, Thomas Horvath, Thomas Leoni, Martin Spielauer (2023) The Impact of Health and Education on Labour Force Participation in Aging Societies: Projections for the United States and Germany from Dynamic Microsimulations - Population Research and Policy Review, 2023, 42, (3), [PDF]

  • Muszyńska-Spielauer Magdalena, Martin Spielauer - The Effect of Sample Attrition in the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions on the Estimates of Eurostat's Healthy Life Years - European Journal of Public Health, 2023, 33, (3), pp.378-380, [PDF]

  • Spielauer Martin, Thomas Horvath, Marian Fink, Gemma Abio, Guadalupe Souto, Concepció Patxot, Tanja Istenič (2023) The Effect of Educational Expansion and Family Change on the Sustainability of Public and Private Transfers - Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 2023, 25, [PDF]


  • Muszyńska-Spielauer Magdalena, Martin Spielauer (2022) Cross-sectional Estimates of Population Health from the Survey of Health and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) are Biased due to Health-Related Sample Attrition - SSM - Population Health, 2022, 20, [PDF]

  • Spielauer Martin, Thomas Horvath, Marian Fink, Gemma Abio, Guadalupe Souto, Concepció Patxot, Tanja Istenič (2022) Measuring the Lifecycle Impact of Welfare State Policies in the Face of Ageing. Economic Analysis and Policy, 2022, 75, S.1-25, [PDF]

  • Horvath Thomas, Walter Hyll, Helmut Mahringer, Hedwig Lutz, Martin Spielauer (2022) Ältere am Arbeitsmarkt: Eine Vorausschau bis 2040 als Grundlage für wirtschaftspolitische Maßnahmen (Older Persons in the Labour Market: A Forecast until 2040 as a Basis for Economic Policy Measures) - WIFO Studies, commissioned by: Vienna Chamber of Labour – Austrian Economic Chamber – Austrian Trade Union Federation – Austrian Chamber of Agriculture. [PDF]


  • Winkler-Dworak Maria, Eva Beaujouan, Paola Di Giulio, Martin Spielauer (2021) Simulating family life courses: An application for Italy, Great Britain, Norway, and Sweden. Demographic Research; Volume 44, Article 1 [PDF]

  • Horvath, T., Kaniovski, S., Leoni, T., Spielauer, M., Url, T., Lizarazo López, M. & Petersen, T. (2021) Effekte von Bildung und Gesundheit auf Erwerbsbeteiligung und Gesamtwirtschaft im demographischen Wandel, Apr 2021, 22 p. Fokuspapier, Bertelsmann Foundation [PDF]

  • Horvath, T., Kaniovski, S., Leoni, T., Spielauer, M. & Url, T. (2021) The Impact of Education and Health on Labour Force Participation and the Macroeconomic Consequences of Ageing Bertelsmann Foundation, Monograph/Study, 79 p. [PDF]

    Amann Johannes, René Böheim, Thomas Horvath, Thomas Leoni, Martin Spielauer (2021) The microWELT-US Microsimulation Model for Projections of the US Labour Force Participation Accounting for Education and Health - Technical Report / Monograph. Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Commissioned by the US National Bureau of Economic Research [PDF]

    Böheim René , Thomas Horvath, Thomas Leoni, Martin Spielauer (2021) The Impact of Health and Education on Labor Force Participation in Aging Societies. Projections for the United States and Germany from a Dynamic Microsimulation. NBER Working Papers, 2021, (29534), HTML [PDF]


  • Spielauer, Martin, Thomas Horvath, Marian Fink (2020) microWELT - A Dynamic Microsimulation Model for the Study of Welfare Transfer Flows in Ageing Societies from a Comparative Welfare State Perspective. WIFO Working Paper 609/2020 [PDF]

  • Spielauer, Martin, Thomas Horvath, Walter Hyll, Marian Fink (2020) microWELT: Socio-Demographic Parameters and Projections for Austria, Spain, Finland, and the UK WIFO Working Paper 6011/2020 [PDF]

  • Spielauer, Martin, Thomas Horvath, Marian Fink, Gemma Abio, Guadalupe Souto, Ció Patxot and Tanja Istenič (2020) microWELT - Microsimulation Projection of Indicators of the Economic Effects of Population Ageing Based on Disaggregated National Transfer Accounts (NTAs) WIFO Working Paper 6012/2020 [PDF]

  • Spielauer, Martin, Thomas Horvath, Marian Fink, Gemma Abio, Guadalupe Souto, Ció Patxot and Tanja Istenič (2020) microWELT - Sustainability Indicators: The role of welfare state regimes National Transfer Accounts Network Working Paper 20-02 [PDF]

  • Spielauer, Martin, Thomas Horvath, Marian Fink, Gemma Abio, Guadalupe Souto Nieves, Concepció Patxot, Tanja Istenič (2020) microWELT: Microsimulation Projection of Full Generational Accounts for Austria and Spain WIFO Working Paper 618/2020 [PDF]

  • Spielauer, Martin, Thomas Horvath, Marian Fink, Gemma Abio, Guadalupe Souto, Ció Patxot and Tanja Istenič (2020) microWELT - Microsimulation Projection of Full Generational Accounts from a comparative welfare state perspective: Results for Spain, Austria, Finland, and the UK National Transfer Accounts Network Working Paper 20-03 [PDF]

  • Fink, Horvath, Spielauer (2020) microDEMS – Ein dynamisches Mikrosimulationsmodell für Österreich. Illustration am Beispiel der Entwicklung der Erwerbsbeteiligung bis 2040 (microDEMS – A Dynamic Microsimulation Model for Austria. Illustration Using the Example of the Development of Labour Force Participation Until 2040) WIFO-Monatsberichte, Austrian Institute of Economic Research 2020, 93(1), S.51-61 [LINK]

  • Spielauer, Martin, Thomas Horvath, Marian Fink (2020) Das dynamische Mikrosimulationsmodell microDEMS zur Analyse der ökonomischen Integration von Immigrantinnen und Immigranten in Österreich WIFO Working Paper 607/2020 [PDF]

  • Horvath, Thomas, Martin Spielauer, Marian Fink (2020) Microsimulation Projection of the Educational Integration and Labour Force Participation of First- and Second-Generation Immigrants WIFO Working Paper 615/2020 [PDF]

  • Huber, Pater & Martin Spielauer (2020) Return and Onward Migration and Labour Market Entry: Empirical Analysis and Microsimulation Projection for Austria WIFO Working Paper 616/2020 [PDF]

  • Leoni, Thomas, Martin Spielauer, Peter Reschenhofer (2020) Soziale Unterschiede, Lebenserwartung und Gesundheitsausgaben im Lebensverlauf (Social Differences, Life Expectancy And Health Expenditures Over The Life Course) Study commissioned by the Main Association of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions [PDF]

  • Spielauer Martin (2020) The dynamic microsimulation model microWELT (Version 1.22) - User Guide This guide is available online as HTML document, or can be downloades as [PDF]

  • Spielauer Martin (2020) The dynamic microsimulation model microWELT - Step-by-Step Implementation Guide and Code Discussion This guide is available online as HTML document, organized in 22 Steps (Chapters) or can be downloaded as [PDF]

  • Spielauer (2020) DYNAMIS-POP 2.22 - - A dynamic micro-simulation model for population and education projections and for the simulation of policies. User Guide [PDF]

  • Spielauer & Dupriez (2020) DYNAMIS-POP - A dynamic micro-simulation model for population and education projections and for the simulation of policies. Developers Guide HTML


  • Spielauer & Dupriez (2019) A Portable Dynamic Microsimulation Model for Population, Education and Health Applications in Developing Countries- International Journal of Microsimulation; 12(3); 6–27 DOI: [PDF]

  • Fink, M, J. Janová, D. Nerudová, J. Pavel, M. Schratzenstaller, F. Sindermann-Sinkiewicz and M. Spielauer (2019) Gender-differentiated Effects of Changes in Personal Income Taxation. Intereconomics. Volume 54, May/June 2019, Number 3 pp. 146-154 [PDF]

  • Winkler-Dworak Maria, Eva Beaujouan, Paola Di Giulio, Martin Spielauer (2019) Simulating Family Life Courses: An Application for Italy, Great Britain, and Scandinavia. VID Working Papers 8/2019 - Austrian Academy of Sciences. [PDF]

  • Spielauer, Dupriez (2019) DYNAMIS-POP: A dynamic micro-simulation model for population and education projections and for the simulation of policies. Project Website incl. Project Report, Code Documentation, Software Downloads [DYNAMIS.IHSN]

  • Fink, Marian, Jitka Janová, Danuše Nerudová, Jan Pavel, Margit Schratzenstaller, Friedrich Sindermann, Martin Spielauer (2019) Policy Recommendations on the Gender Effects of Changes in Tax Base, Mix, Rates, and Units: Result of Microsimulation Analysis for Six Selected EU Member States. FairTax Working Paper Series 24, European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program 2014-2018. [PDF]

  • Fink, Marian, Jitka Janová, Danuše Nerudová, Jan Pavel, Margit Schratzenstaller, Friedrich Sindermann, Martin Spielauer (2019) Policy Recommendations on the Gender Effects of Changes in Tax Base, Mix, Rates, and Units: Result of Microsimulation Analysis for Six Selected EU Member States. WIFO Working Papers, No. 578 [PDF]

  • Spielauer (2019) Architectural and Design Options in Pension Microsimulation. In: Hicks, Spielauer, Moore (2019) Option Analysis for a New Dynamic Microsimulation Model of Retirement Income for Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). Study commissioned by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)

  • Spielauer, Dupriez (2019) DYNAMIS-POP – A Multi-Country Portable Dynamic Microsimulation Model for Population, Education and Health Applications in Developing Countries. Paper presented at the International Microsimulation Conference 2019 [Abstract][Paper PDF]

  • Spielauer, Solé, Horvath, Fink, Patxot, Souto (2019) MicroWELT - Microsimulation of Disaggregated National Transfer Accounts (NTAs) for the Comparative Study of Welfare State Regimes.Paper presented at the International Microsimulation Conference 2019 [Abstract][Paper PDF]


  • Patxot C, M Solé, G Souto, M Spielauer (2018) The Impact of the Retirement Decision and Demographics on Pension Sustainability: A Dynamic Microsimulation Analysis; International Journal of Microsimulation, vol. 11(2), pages 84-108. [PDF]

  • Spielauer & Dupriez (2018) DYNAMIS-POP NEPAL. Dynamic Micro-Simulation for Population and Development Projections. An Application for Nepal. Technical Note [PDF]

  • Spielauer & Dupriez (2018) DYNAMIS-POP SENEGAL. Dynamic Micro-Simulation for Population and Development Projections. An Application for Senegal. Technical Note [PDF]

  • Spielauer (2018) Analysis and projection of the Human Capital Index using the DYNAMIS-POP micro-simulation model. The Example of Nepal. Technical Note [PDF]


  • Spielauer (2017) Micro-simulation of Sustainable Development Goals Indicators using the DYNAMIS model. Technical Note [PDF]

  • Kump, N, B Majcen, J Sambt, A Lotric Dolinar, M Spielauer, M Verbic, R Spruk (2017) Dinamicni Mikrosimulacijski Pekojninski Model. Monograph. EkonomIERa, ISSN 2630-2896. Socialni razvoj. ISBN 978-961-6906-43-2 [PDF]

  • Moore, Hicks, Jones, Spielauer (2017) The DYSEM Microsimulation Modelling Platform; Statistics Canada; Analytical Studies 11-633-X No. 008 [PDF]

  • Winkler-Dworak, Beaujouan, Di Giulio, Spielauer (2017) Union Instability and Fertility: A Microsimulation Model for Italy and Great Britain; Vienna Institute of Demography, Working Papers (8/17); Austrian Academy of Sciences. [PDF]

  • Spielauer, Dupriez (2017) Dynamic Microsimulation for Population Projections in Developing Countries: A Portable Application with a Country Case Study, Conference Paper, Conference of the International Microsimulation Association; Torino, Italy 2017 [PDF]

  • Spielauer & Dupriez (2017) Dynamic micro-simulation for population projections. Project Website of Version 1 of DYNAMIS-POP with an application for Mauretania. [IGSN.ORG]

Older Contributions

  • Winkler-Dworak,Maria, Eva Beaujouan, Paola Di Giulio,1 Martin Spielauer (2015) Changing partnership and fertility. Paper at the Conference of the PAA Population Asociation of America. [PDF]

  • Patxot C, M Solé, G Souto, M Spielauer (2015) Explaining retirement decisions for Spain: life course factors affecting retirement decisions based on Spanish administrative data. Agenta project report. [PDF]

  • Winkler-Dworak, Fent, Rengs, Beaujouan, Di Giulio, Spielauer (2015) Changing partnership and fertility: Report on the results of the micro-simulation and agent-based approach about the future of family forms. EU project report

  • Spielauer (2014) The relation between education and labour force participation of Aboriginal peoples: a simulation analysis using the Demosim population projection model. Canadian Studies in Population 41 [PDF]

  • Spielauer, Kucera (2013) Combining theoretical with statistical models: the modeling of wealth in LifePaths – Paper presented at the conference of the International Microsimulation Association.

  • Schilling, Spielauer (2013) Microsimulation scoping study for Early Childhood Education New Zealand Institute for Economic Research Report to the Ministry of Education.

  • Spielauer Martin, Chantal Hicks, Steve Gribble, Geoff Rowe, Xiaofen Lin, Kevin Moore, Laurie Plager, Huan Nguyen. (2013) The LifePaths Microsimulation Model: An Overview Statistics Canada. [PDF]

  • Spielauer, Kucera (2012) A LifePaths Module for Non-Registered Assets and Debts Report commissioned by the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

  • Spielauer & MacKellar (2012) The New Pension Scheme and the Individual Saver. In Cheolsu Kim , Landis MacKellar , Russell G. Galer , and Gautam Bhardwaj (2012) Implementing an Inclusive and Equitable Pension Reform Lessons from India’s New Pension Scheme. Asian Development Bank. [PDF]

  • Spielauer Martin, Ron Anderson (2012) Microsimulation modeling of student success in community colleges using MicroCC Social Science Computer Review, Volume 30, No.4, Winter 2012

  • Elizabeth Thomson, Maria Winkler-Dworak, Martin Spielauer and Alexia Prskawetz (2012) Union Instability as an Engine of Fertility? A Microsimulation Model for France Demography, 2012, Volume 49, Number 1, Pages 175-195 [PDF]

  • Spielauer (2011) The LifePaths Housing Module Module documentation, Statistics Canada Modeling Division

  • Spielauer (2011) House ownership and equity in the Canadian LifePaths model. Report Statistics Canada Modeling Division; also Paper at the Conference of the International Microsimulation Association. [PDF]

  • Statistics Canada Demography Division (2011) Population Projections by Aboriginal Identity in Canada 2006 – 2031 Catalogue no. 91-552-XPE [PDF]

  • Fernandez-Diaz, Ignacio Moral-Arce, Cio Patxot, Guadalupe Souto, Martin Spielauer (2011) A micro simulation model for the Spanish retirement pensions system; Project report

  • Spielauer (2010) Persistence and change of the relative difference in educational attainment by ethnocultural group and gender in Canada Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2010 (Vol.8), pp. 261-282 [PDF]

  • Spielauer (2010) What is Social Science Microsimulation? Social Science Computer Review, vol. 29, 1: pp. 9-20. [PDF]

  • Bélanger, A., J.-D. Morency, M. Spielauer (2010) A Microsimulation Model to Study the Interaction between Fertility and Union Formation and Dissolution: An Application to Canada and Quebec Canadian Studies in Population, Vol. 37.3-4, Fall/Winter, pp. 339-373 [PDF]

  • Statistics Canada Demography Division (2010) Projections of the Diversity of the Canadian Population 2006 to 2031 Catalogue no. 91-551-XPE [PDF]

  • Spielauer (2007) Dynamic Microsimulation of Health Care Demand, Health Care Finance and the Economic Impact of Health Behavior: Survey and Review. International Journal of Microsimulation. [PDF]

  • Spielauer (2007) The Contextual Database of the Generations and Gender Program - In: Generations and Gender Programme: Concepts and Guidelines, United Nations, Geneva 2007 [ISBN: 978-92-1-116985-0] [PDF]

  • Spielauer (2006) The LifeCourse model, a competing risk cohort microsimulation model: source code and basic concepts of the generic microsimulation programming language Modgen - Rostock, MPIDR Working Paper WP-2006-046 [PDF]

  • Bühler, C.; Désesquelles, A.; Neyer, G. R.; Kapitány, B.; Konietzka, D.; Kveder, A.; Pailhé, A.; Régnier-Loilier, A.; Solaz, A.; Spéder, Z.; Spielauer, M.; Vikat, A (2006) Generations and Gender Survey: core questionnaire for Wave 2 - United Nations Population Activities Unit, Geneva [PDF]

  • Spielauer (2005) Responding to new data demands for comparative research and multilevel analysis: the Contextual Database of the Generations and Gender Program. Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 11-522-XIE [PDF]

  • Spielauer, M.; V. Shkolnikov, J Vaupel (2005) Steigende Ungleichheit der Familiengröîen in Europa. Deutschland und Österreich bei der Geburtenkonzentration im Spitzenfeld Demografische Forschung Aus Erster Hand 2:4 [PDF]

  • Spielauer (2005) Concentration of reproduction in Austria: general trends and differentials by educational attainment and urban-rural setting Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2005 [PDF]

  • Spielauer (2005) Familia y dependencia. Un análisis de los cambios demográficos en España y Europa In: López López, M. T. (Editor): Familia y dependencia: nuevas necesidades, nuevas propuestas. Madrid: Ediciones Cinca, 2005

  • Spielauer (2004) Les politiques familiales en Europe: une typologie Population & Avenir No. 666; Paris

  • Spielauer (2004) Intergenerational Educational Transmission within Families: Analysis and Microsimulation Projection for Austria Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2004 [PDF]

  • Spielauer, Houle (2004) Sample size and statistical significance of hazard regression parameters. An exploration by means of Monte Carlo simulation of four transition models based on Hungarian GGS data Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research , Rostock, MPIDR WP-2004-020 [PDF]

  • Spielauer, Vencatasawmy (2003) FAMSIM: Dynamic Microsimulation of Life Course Interactions between Education, Work, Partnership Formation and Birth in Austria, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Sweden. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2003 [PDF]

  • Spielauer, Schwarz, Städtner, Schmid (2003) Family and Education: Intergenerational educational transmission within families and the influence of education on partner choice and fertility. Analysis and microsimulation projection for Austria Vienna: Austrian Institute for Family Studies Book Series 11 [PDF]

  • Spielauer (2003) A Socio-Demographic Microsimulation Model for Austria: General Framework and Application for Educational Projections University of Vienna, Doctoral Thesis, 2003 [PDF]

  • Spielauer (2002) Situación Social, Demografía y Familia in José Ramón Losana: La Familia, Futuro de Europa, Madrid. [PDF]

  • Spielauer (2002) Dynamic Microsimulation of Health Care Demand, Health Care Finance and the Economic Impact of Health Behavior Part I: Background and a Comparison with Cell-Based Models. IIASA IR. [PDF]

  • Spielauer (2002) Dynamic Microsimulation of Health Care Demand, Health Care Finance and the Economic Impact of Health Behavior Part II: Survey and Review. IISAS IR. [PDF]

  • Spielauer, Neuwirth (2001) Hochrechnungsprogramm zur Familienhilfe der Wiener Landesregierung Model and software development for projections of family benefits in Vienna Government of Vienna; 2001; August 2001

  • Spielauer (2001) Microsimulation Modeling of Population, Economic Growth, and Social Security Systems IIASA Interim Report IR-01-026, 2001 [PDF]

  • MacKellar Landis & Martin Spielauer (2001) Population Ageing and Labour Markets: Synthesizing Macroeconomic Accounts And Individual Behavior in an Economic-Demographic Growth Model. Conference paper "Ageing, Skills, and Labour Markets" organised by Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales, Nantes, September 7-8, 2001 [PDF]

  • Spielauer, Vencatasawmy (2001) FAMSIM : Dynamic Microsimulation of Life Course Interactions between Education, Work, Partnership Formation and Birth in Austria, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Sweden - Brazilian Electronic Journal of Economics (BEJE) Vol.4 Number Two, Recife, December 15th 2001

  • Spielauer, Arpa (2000) Familienpolitische Analyse der Daten der Antragssteller des Erziehungszuschuîes I und II des Landes Tirol Analyses of the 1999 data of applicants for family subsidies in Tyrol Tyrolean Government, 2000

  • Spielauer (2000) Hochrechnungsprogramm zur Familienhilfe der niederösterreichischen Landesregierung Model and software development for projections of family benefits in Niederoesterreich (Lower Austria); Study and (microsimulation) software-development for the Local Government of Low Austria Government of Low Austria; 2000

  • Spielauer (1999) Neue Wege der Wohnbaufinanzierung im geförderten Mietwohnungsbereich New ways of housing finance in the subsidized rental market Municipality of Vienna

  • Spielauer (1999) Familienpolitische Analyse der Daten der Antragssteller des Erziehungszuschuîes I und II des Landes Tirol Analyses of the 1998 data of applicants for family subsidies in Tyrol Tyrolean Government, 1999

  • Deutsch, Spielauer (1997) Beitrag der Ausländer zur Wohnbaufinanzierung und Sozialtransfers im Wohnungsbereich. In: Gudrun Biffl et al., Ökonomische und strukturelle Aspekte der Ausländerbeschäftigung in Österreich, Austrian Institute for Economic Studies Book Series, Vienna, 1997

  • Spielauer (1995) Finanzierungsströme unter alternativen Modellen der Wohnbaufinanzierung. Master Thesis, University of Vienna. [PDF]